Statute and Deed of Partnership

Association “Rina e Franco Bellaterra” – International [*]
to Support People with Special Needs





Repertoire n. 41, 421- Collection n. 3, 393 – Association Deed of Partnership – ITALIAN REPUBLIC

On the twenty sixth day of February in the year two thousand and three (26 February 2003).

In Rome, Via di San Crisogono n. 37/39; in the premises of the Association as follows. In my presence, counsel FRANCESCO GERBO, Notary Public in Rome, registered in the list of the Combined Notary Districts of Rome, Velletri and Civitavecchia, without the assistance of witnesses according to the expressed and agreed waiver of those appearing before me, with my consent


BELLATERRA Marilia, born in Terni on 12 August 1948, university professor, declared social security number: BLL MRL 48M52 L117Q, resident in Rome, Via Licinio il calvo 14;

CODISPOTI Francesco, born in Rome on 29 May 1979, student, declared social security number: CDS FNC 79E29 H501V, resident in Rome, Via Licinio il calvo 14;

CODISPOTI Bruno, born in Rome on 25 February 1947, surgeon, resident in Rome, Via Prisciano n. 28, declared social security number: CDS BRN 47825 H501P;

THARCHIN Gedun, born in Kathmandu (Nepal) on 15 March 1963, monk, resident in Rome, Via orti d’Alibert n. 15, declared social security number: THR GDN 63C15 Z234E;

CALLORI DI VIGNALE Riccardo, born in Rome on 15 October 1947, surgeon, resident in Rome, Via Vitellia n. 55, declared social security number: CLL RCR 47R15 H501N;

VIOLINI Evelina Sissy (in some deeds and documents also indicated as Evelina Violini), born in Rome on 5 September 1943, retired, resident in Cerenova, Via Sillaro n. 11, declared social security number: VLN VLN 43P45 H501B;

GIORNI Luca, born in Genova on 13 April 1966, resident in Ovada, Strada Cappellette n. 42, declared social security number: GRN LCU 66D13 D969T;

Are present.

Said subjects, whose personal identity I notary public am certain of, stipulate and agree upon the following:


Messrs Marilia Bellaterra, Francesco Codispoti, Bruno Codispoti, Gedun Tharchin, Riccardo Callori di Vignale, Evelina Sissy Violini and Luca Giorni found an Association, named “Associazione Rina e Franco Bellaterra – for the support of people with special needs – ONLUS”, a non profit organization of social utility, hereinafter referred to as Association.


The Association has its registered office in Rome, Via di San Crisogono n. 37/39 (thirty- seven slash thirty-nine). It is governed, other than by the provisions of the law on Associations – ONLUS, by those of the statute which – prior to reading and signatures by law – is enclosed with the present act under letter “A”.

Article 3 – OBJECT

The Association is non profit, it is nonreligious, and non-political. All of the provisions foreseen by decree-law n. 460 of 1997 and successive, corrective and modifying decrees are applied to this Association.

The association draws its structure and the contents of its activity on the principals of democracy and equal rights of all its members.

The association is born with the chief aim to provide support to the people, families and social groups who present, for different reasons, difficulties, hardships and “special needs”, in three principal sectors:

1. Chronic diseases, rare, terminal and/or particularly disabling, in any phase of the life cycle from birth to elderly;

2. Psychological, psychophysical, sensorial, psychiatric and neurological disabilities;

3. Long distance support – through adoption and sponsorship – of children, adults, family and social groups belonging to different cultures, ethnic groups, races and countries.

The Association pursues exclusively the aims destined to promote and realize directly and/or in collaboration or in convention with public and private bodies and in relation to the aforementioned thematic areas, the following corporate purpose:

  1. Study, research and any other initiative finalized towards the knowledge, even juridical, of the topic being treated;
  2. The institution of data banks, publications and documentation of any type (literary, audio-visual, electronic, multi-media, etc.);
  3. Activities, even on commission, relative to scholarships, meetings, cultural exchanges, seminars, research, stages, reviews, press conferences, demonstrations in general, conferences, exhibits, promotional events;
  4. Training (training and updating courses, scholastic and extra scholastic courses, etc.), cultural activities and initiatives of any kind finalized towards education and continuing education, towards informing and bringing up to date;
  5. Specific training activity aimed at the operators and volunteers who operate, or who could operate in the previously mentioned sectors;
  6. Specific training activity, consulting and psychological support for the relatives and family members of the people who were the object of the topic being treated;
  7. Economic support activity for the people who were the object of the topic being treated;
  8. Consulting and technical-scientific support activity to the public administration, the trade associations, to private citizens, to enterprises operating on the territory and to all those whom the Association addresses;
  9. Professional training courses and initiatives aimed at creating new employment, mainly young employment and/or entrepreneurial initiatives;
  10. Research and diffusion of ethno-anthropological, cultural and religious aspects of a particular community so as to rediscover and bring to the fore or preserve the traditions and the cultural roots it belongs to;
  11. Participation in national or transnational public tenders for cultural, training and intervention initiatives;
  12. Cultural tours which promote and favor exchanges and reciprocal knowledge;
  13. Design and realization of initiatives – even building – to support the activities carried out, such as classrooms, laboratories, structures to support social, scholastic and health intervention etc;
  14. Exploitation of the artistic, cultural and environmental patrimony, through: the study, cataloguing, recovery, protection, management, promotion and the divulgation of the Artefacts and Environment of the geographic areas where the support or intervention is carried out;
  15. Participation to programs and initiatives having similar aims;
  16. Opening of counters, even electronic counters;
  17. Realization of promotion and circulation material, even electronic and multi-medial;
  18. Publication and circulation of material coming from the research of the members and from all of the other activities organized by the Association, also through the use of special agreements and in the realm of the disciplines connected to its aims, with scientific and university bodies.

Furthermore, the Association will be able to collaborate in all the initiatives, even individual, and all the bodies which pursue the same ends and that, in general, carry out any activity, even commercial, which is non profit, but that may become necessary or useful exclusively for the attainment of the corporate purpose.

The Association, in view of the aims that it has set for itself, will also deal with the analysis and the elaboration of the data surveyed in the field, so as to single out adequate cognitive and operational instruments, also in collaboration with local bodies, in respect of Community directives, national laws, regional provisions and of any other national and/or international legislation of jurisdiction.

The Association, therefore, carries out its activity in the field of cultural promotion, of protection and support addressed at all social and institutional levels.

The Association cannot carry out activities different from the hereinbefore mentioned ones, with the exception of those directly tied to them or of those by nature accessory to the statutory ones – as they are integrative of the same.


The organs of the Association are:

  1. The President (who is now nominated in the person of Mrs. Marilia Bellaterra);
  2. The Vice President (who is now nominated in the person of Mr. Luca Giorni);
  3. Board of Directors;
  4. General Meeting;
  5. The Treasurer (who is now nominated in the person of Mr. Francesco Codispoti).

The President is elected by the founding members in the person of Mrs. Marilia Bellaterra, generalized above, and remains in office for three years, this appointment is renewable.

The General Meeting can nominate, if it deems it necessary, a Board of Auditors, according to the modalities laid out by the above mentioned Statute.


The President has, to every extent, the organic representation of the Association, directs and coordinates all of the activities of intervention, training and didactic conducted by the Association and carries out the functions delegated to him by the Board of Directors. The President is also the President of The Board of Directors.

Article 6 – PARTNERS

The Association includes the following categories of members:

  1. Founding Partners;
  2. Ordinary Partners;
  3. Associated Partners;
  4. Honorary Partners;
  5. Supporting Partners.

Founding Partners are those people who have founded the present Association.

Honorary partners are those people who, for their particular requisites and characteristics or for having acquired particular merits towards the Association, have obtained a favorable and motivated opinion on the part of the Board of Directors.

Supporting Partners are those people who, in sharing the aims of the Association, contribute with donations or goods of different nature to the Association’s activity and who have obtained a favorable and motivated opinion on the part of the Board of Directors.

Ordinary Partners are those people who, in agreement with the statutory aims, have obtained a favorable and motivated opinion on the part of the Board of Directors.

Associated Partners are the Companies, Associations or Bodies which, in agreement with the statutory aims, have obtained a favorable and motivated opinion on the part of the Board of Directors.

All categories of Partners, with the exception of the Honorary Partners, are bound to the payment of an annual contribution whose amount will be defined by the General Meeting on the proposal of the Board of Directors. After two years of delayed payment the Partner lapses. The names of the partners, divided by category, are registered, by the Board of Directors in a special Roll to be kept at the Association’s headquarters.

Whoever intends to be admitted as a partner in the Association must present a written request to the Board of Directors, in which the following is declared:

  1. First Name, last Name, permanent address and date of birth;
  2. Scholastic qualifications;
  3. Curriculum Vitae;
  4. Availability to travel;
  5. To commit him or herself to respecting what is foreseen by the above mentioned Statute and the legally adopted deliberations by the Associative Bodies;
  6. To commit to the payment of the annual association fee, whose amount will be determined by the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors ascertains the existence of the requisites, passes resolutions on the admission of the new partner. The resolution becomes operative only after the payment of the social fee, within five days from the receipt on behalf of the interested party of the resolution of acceptance. The resolution shall be deemed automatically void in case of dishonor of the aforementioned fee.


The General Meeting is made up of the Founding, Ordinary, and supporting Partners, so long as they have been members for at least six months and have fulfilled their obligations for the current year; the Bodies that are members shall send a representative.

The General Meeting meets in ordinary and extraordinary sessions. The Ordinary Meeting is convened once a year in order to approve the budget and the balance-sheet.

The Extraordinary Meeting will take place each time that the Board of Directors will deem it necessary or when one fourth of the Partners requests it. The General Meeting is convened by the President, by means of registered letter, with notice to the partners in which the agenda is written, and is valid on first call, when the number of persons present is not inferior to one tenth of those having the right to vote, on second call whatever the number of persons present.

The Partners who are absent may delegate other partners to represent them; a single partner may not accept more than three proxies.

Article 8 – TOTAL ASSETS

The property of the Association is made up of:

The initial endowment conferred by the Founding Partners upon their entry into the Association;

By the annual quotas paid by the Founding partners, Supporting Partners and Ordinary Partners in the amounts established annually by the Board of Directors;

From the proceeds deriving to the association from its own institutional activities or from activities undertaken with the aim of self-financing;

From donations, generous gifts, contributions, subscriptions which come to the Association from those private and public subject that intend to support its activities;

From public financing, national and/or international for the pursuance of objectives which the Association may enter compatibly with its purpose.


The financial year begins on the first of January and ends on the 31 December every year. The first Financial year ends on 31 December 2003. The association’s budget must be deposited by the Treasurer, at the registered office, available to the Partners, at least 15 days before the General Meeting.

The first social accounting period begins on the date of the establishment of the Association and ends on 31 December of the same year.


Whatever controversy should arise dependent on the execution or interpretation of the present deed and that may form subject-matter for compromise, shall be remitted to the judgment of a friendly Board of Arbitrators who will judge according to impartiality and without procedural formalities, giving place to non-ritual arbitration. The arbitrators shall be chosen by mutual consent by the contesting parties, should agreement not be reached, they will be nominated by the President of the Court of law of Rome.

Article 11 – EXPENSES

The expenses of the present deed and those which derive from it are to be charged to the Association.

I have received the present deed, drawn up on three sheets by eight whole pages plus some lines and the signatures on the present ninth page; deed written in part by a person whom I trust – under my personal supervision – and in part by me Notary public, and by me read to those present who – expressly and unanimously – approve it and underwrite it with me Notary public as by law.

Signed: Marilia Bellaterra;

Signed: Francesco Codispoti;

Signed: Bruno Codispoti;

Signed: Gedun Tharchin;

Signed: Riccardo Callori di Vignale;

Signed: Evelina Sissy Violini or Evelina Violini;

Signed: Luca Giorni


Enclosure “A” to the deed repertoire n. 41,421 collection n. 3,393

STATUTE OF THE ONLUS ASSOCIATION “Rina and Francesco Bellaterra”


Art. 1 – Name

AN ASSOCIATION NAMED “ASSOCIAZIONE RINA E FRANCO BELLATERRA- for the support of people with special needs – Onlus”, a non profit organization of social utility, hereinafter more briefly referred to as Association.

From the moment it has been constitued, the Association will use in its name and in any distinctive sign or communication aimed at the public the phrase “non profit organization of social utility” or the acronym “ONLUS”.

Art. 2 – Office and sphere of activity

The Association has its registered office in Rome, Via di San Crisogono n. 37/39. The Associations activities will take place exclusively within the sphere of the Lazio Region.

The Association, with a resolution of the Board of Directors, can establish operative divisions or branches in other localities in Italy or abroad.

Art. 3 – Objectives

The Association is non profit, it is nonreligious, and non-political. All of the provisions foreseen by decree law n. 460 of 1997 and successive corrective and modifying decrees are applied to this Association.

The association draws its structure and the contents of its activity on the principals of democracy and equal rights of all its members.

The association is born with the chief aim to provide support to the people, families and social groups who present, for different reasons, difficulties, hardships and “special needs”, in three principal sectors:

1. Chronic diseases, rare, terminal and/or particularly disabling, in any phase of the life cycle from birth to elderly;

2. Psychological, psychophysical, sensorial, psychiatric and neurological disabilities;

3. Long distance support – through adoption and sponsorship – of children, adults, family and social groups belonging to different cultures, ethnic groups, races and countries.

The Association pursues exclusively the aims destined to promote and realize directly and/or in collaboration or in convention with public and private bodies and in relation to the aforementioned thematic areas, the following corporate purposes:

  1. Study, research and any other initiative finalized towards the knowledge, even juridical, of the topic being treated;
  2. The institution of data banks, publications and documentation of any type (literary, audio-visual, electronic, multi-media, etc.);
  3. Activities, even on commission, relative to scholarships, meetings, cultural exchanges, seminars, research, stages, reviews, press conferences, demonstrations in general, conferences, exhibits, promotional events;
  4. Training (training and updating courses, scholastic and extra scholastic courses, etc.), cultural activities and initiatives of any kind finalized towards education and continuing education, towards informing and bringing up to date;
  5. Specific training activity aimed at the operators and volunteers who operate, or who could operate in the previously mentioned sectors;
  6. Specific training activity, consulting and psychological support for the relatives and family members of the people who were the object of the topic being treated;
  7. Economic support activity for the people who were the object of the topic being treated;
  8. Consulting and technical-scientific support activity to the public administration, the trade associations, to private citizens, to enterprises operating on the territory and to all those whom the Association addresses;
  9. Professional training courses and initiatives aimed at creating new employment, mainly young employment and/or entrepreneurial initiatives;
  10. Research and diffusion of ethno-anthropological, cultural and religious aspects of a particular community so as to rediscover and bring to the fore or preserve the traditions and the cultural roots it belongs to;
  11. Participation in national or transnational public tenders for cultural, training and intervention initiatives;
  12. Cultural tours which promote and favor exchanges and reciprocal knowledge;
  13. Design and realization of initiatives – even building – to support the activities carried out, such as classrooms, laboratories, structures to support social, scholastic and health intervention etc;
  14. Exploitation of the artistic, cultural and environmental patrimony, through: the study, cataloguing, recovery, protection, management, promotion and the divulgation of the Artefacts and Environment of the geographic areas where the support or intervention is carried out;
  15. Participation to programs and initiatives having similar aims;
  16. Opening of counters, even electronic counters;
  17. Realization of promotion and circulation material, even electronic and multi-medial;
  18. Publication and circulation of material coming from the research of the members and from all of the other activities organized by the Association, also through the use of special agreements and in the realm of the disciplines connected to its aims, with scientific and university bodies.

Furthermore, the Association will be able to collaborate in all the initiatives, even individual, and all the bodies which pursue the same ends and that, in general, carry out any activity, even commercial, which is non profit, but that may become necessary or useful exclusively for the attainment of the corporate purposes.

The Association, in view of the aims that it has set for itself, will also deal with the analysis and the elaboration of the data surveyed in the field, so as to single out adequate cognitive and operational instruments, also in collaboration with local bodies, in respect of Community directives, national laws, regional provisions and of any other national and/or international norm of jurisdiction.

The Association, therefore, carries out its activity in the field of cultural promotion, of protection and support addressed at all social and institutional levels.

The Association cannot carry out activities different from the hereinbefore mentioned ones, with the exception of those directly tied to it or of those by nature accessory to the statutory ones – as they are integrative of the same.

Art. 4 – Bodies of the Association

The organs of the Association are:

  1. The President;
  2. The Vice President;
  3. The Board of Directors;
  4. The General Meeting;
  5. The Treasurer;

Art. 5 – The President and Vice President

The President has, to every extent, the organic representation of the Association, directs and coordinates all of the activities of intervention, training and didactic conducted by the Association and carries out the functions delegated to him by the Board of Directors. The President is also the President of The Board of Directors.

The President is elected by the founding members on the establishment of the Association and remains in office for three years. The appointment is renewable.

The Vice President is elected by the Board of Directors among its members and carries out the tasks delegated onto him by the President. He is elected for the first time on the establishment of the Association and remains in office for three years. The appointment is renewable.

Art. 6 – The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the guiding and executive organ of the Association.

It promotes and puts into effect the initiatives necessary for the continuation of the statutory aims and carries out the relative activities with all the powers of normal and special management.

The Board of Directors is made up of seven members elected by the General Meeting.

The Councilors remain in office for three years and are re-eligible.

When due to resignation or to other causes, one of the eligible seats on the Board of Directors should become vacant during the triennium, the Board will see to the replacement, for the residual period in which the Board remains in office, by choosing one of the partners, excepting the approval of the nomination by the General Meeting.

Art. 7 – The General Meeting

The General Meeting is made up of the Founding, Ordinary, and supporting Partners, so long as they have been members for at least six months and have fulfilled their obligations for the current year; the Bodies that are members shall send a representative.

The General Meeting meets in ordinary and extraordinary sessions. The Ordinary Meeting is convened once a year in order to approve the budget and balance sheet.

The Extraordinary Meeting will take place each time that the Board of Directors will deem it necessary or when one fourth of the Partners requests it. The General Meeting is convened by the President, by means of registered letter, with notice to the partners in which the agenda is written, and is valid on first call, when the number of persons present is not inferior to one tenth of those having the right to vote, on second call whatever the number of persons present.

The Partners who are absent may delegate other partners to represent them; a single partner may not accept more than three proxies.

Art. 8 – The Partners

The Association includes the following categories of members:

  1. Founding Partners;
  2. Ordinary Partners;
  3. Associated Partners;
  4. Honorary Partners;
  5. Supporting Partners.

Founding Partners are those people who have founded the present Association.

Honorary partners are those people who, for their particular requisites and characteristics or for having acquired particular merits towards the Association, have obtained a favorable and motivated opinion on the part of the Board of Directors.

Supporting Partners are those people who, in sharing the aims of the Association, contribute with donations or goods of different nature to the Association’s activity and who have obtained a favorable and motivated opinion on the part of the Board of Directors.

Ordinary Partners are those people who, in agreement with the statutory aims, have obtained a favorable and motivated opinion on the part of the Board of Directors.

Associated Partners are the Companies, Associations or Bodies which, in agreement with the statutory aims, have obtained a favorable and motivated opinion on the part of the Board of Directors.

All categories of Partners, with the exception of the Honorary Partners, are bound to the payment of an annual contribution whose amount will be defined by the General Meeting on the proposal of the Board of Directors. After two years of delayed payment the Partner lapses. The names of the partners, divided by category, are registered, by the Board of Directors in a special Roll to be kept at the Association’s headquarters.

Art. 9 – Partner’s Requisites

Whoever intends to be admitted as a partner in the Association must present a written request to the Board of Directors, in which the following is declared:

  1. First Name, last Name, permanent address and date of birth;
  2. Scholastic qualifications;
  3. Curriculum Vitae;
  4. Availability to travel;
  5. To commit him or herself to respecting what is foreseen by the above mentioned Statute and the legally adopted deliberations by the Associative Bodies;
  6. To commit to the payment of the annual association fee, whose amount will be determined by the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors ascertains the existence of the requisites, passes resolutions on the admission of the new partner. The resolution becomes operative only after the payment of the social fee, within five days from the receipt on behalf of the interested party of the resolution of acceptance. The resolution shall be deemed automatically void in case of dishonor of the aforementioned fee.

Art. 10 – Loss of Partnership Rights

Partnership rights are lost for the following reasons:

a) Voluntary withdrawal;

b) Delay;

c) Action of exclusion by the Association.

Voluntary withdrawal from the Association must be communicated in writing to the Board of Directors and is effective on the first day of the month following that of the date on the letters postmark.

In the case of default of the annual enrolment fee, within 60 days following the date established by the Board of Directors, the Partner is considered in default and therefore, loses the right to membership in the Association with the procedures established in art. 11 following.

The exclusion of a Partner for reasons incompatible with the continuing of such a quality, may be set out by the Board of Directors, with the absolute majority of its members. The action of exclusion must be motivated and communicated to the interested party by registered letter.

Art. 11 – Suspension from office and reinstatement

The President notifies even by using registered letters, to the individual or to the legal entity involved, the suspension action and, in the case of their persistent default, after 30 days from notification provides to declare the partners for whom the non-fulfillment is registered as having lost their rights.

The Board of Directors may decide whether to co-opt other partners in their capacity of Supporting Partners – who will substitute the Partners who have lost their rights – whose admission to the Association is in any case subordinate to the rules set forth in the preceding articles of the present Statute.

Art. 12 – The Treasurer

The treasurer is responsible for the management of the Association’s cash and keeps its accounts, carries out the relative auditing of accounts, checks the keeping of the account books, arranges, form an accounting point of view, thee budget and the balance, accompanying them with the appropriate accounting report.

Each of the Treasurers acts must be countersigned by the President or, in his absence, by the Vice president.

Art. 13 – Body of auditors

The General meeting nominates, if it deems it opportune, three auditors, choosing them among the partners or among people external to the Association who present requisites of reliability with respect to the mandate. The auditors provide for the checking of the management documents, carry out the cash audits, ascertain the regular keeping of the books and of the accounts, examining the budget and the balance, drafting reports, and carry out whatever else may be of their competence in conformity with the present Statute, the Rules and Regulations and current laws. The auditors exercise their mandate even individually and are invited to assist in the ordinary and extra-ordinary meetings of the Board of Directors. They remain in office for three years and may be re-elected. The Board of Auditors is made up of three effective members. The mandate of Auditor is incompatible with the office of Director. For the duration of the mandate, re-eligibility and compensation, the norms set forth in the present Statute for the members of the board of Directors are valid.

The Auditors see to the keeping of the auditor’s meeting book, participate by right to the General Meetings, the Board of Directors and of the Technical-Scientific Committee, with a right to speak, but without the right to vote, verifying the Association’s regular accounting and of the relative books, and express an opinion on the budgets (art. 2403 and subsequent, in so far as applicable).

Art. 14 – Statute Modification

The present Statute may be modified by the Assembly with the intervention of at least two thirds of the partners.

The Statute may be modified by the Assembly in an extra-ordinary session with favorable vote of the majority of the partners.

The modification proposals must be brought to the partners’ attention at least 30 days prior to the Assembly which must discuss them.

Art. 15 – Association Corpus

The Association’s Corpus is made up of:

The initial endowment given by the Founding Partners upon their entry in the Association;

The annual dues paid by the Founding Partners, Supporting Partners and Ordinary partners in the amounts that are established yearly by the Board of directors;

The proceeds deriving to the Association from its own institutional activities or from activities undertaken for self-financing;

Donations, generous gifts, contributions, subscriptions which come to the Association by those subjects, private and public, that intend to support its activity;

From public financing, national and/or international for the pursuit of the objectives which the Association may access in compatibly with its objects clause.

Art. 16 – Financial Year and First Corporate Accounting Period

The financial year begins on the first January and ends on 31 December each year.

The Association’s asset and liability statement must be deposited by the treasurer at the registered office, available to the partners for viewing, at least 15 days before the General Meeting.

The first corporate accounting period begins on the date of the Association’s foundation and ends on 31 December of the same year.

Art. 17 – Management Surpluses

It is prohibited to the Association to distribute, even in an indirect manner, management returns or surpluses however denominated, as well as funds, reserves or capital during the life of the Association, unless the destination or the distribution are imposed by law or are carried out in favor of other non profit organizations (ONLUS) which by law, Statute or rules and regulations are a part of the same and unitary structure.

The Association has the obligation to employ the returns or management surpluses for the realization of the institutional activities and of those directly connected to them.

Art. 18 – Association Books

Other than the keeping of the books prescribed by law, the Association keeps the minutes books of the meetings and deliberations of the General Meeting, the Board of directors and of the Auditors as well as the register of the members.

Art. 19 – Sections

The operative sections or branches, set up according to art. 2 of the present Statute, are governed by special rules approved by the Board of directors.

The Sections may be dissolved by the Board of Directors, if the need for their existence were to be deemed no longer necessary or in the case of non or bad operation.

Art. 20 – Departments

For the practical realization of the didactic activities the Board of Directors will organize some special functional units called Departments, whose overall operation will be managed and coordinated by the President of the Association.

The Departments will be established by grouping the Association’s own activities. Each department will be managed by a coordinator, who will be responsible for the regular course of activities in his/her own Department.

Each Department will also anticipate the establishment of an eventual Department Council, where this will be deemed necessary.

The appointment modalities of the Departments’ operations Coordinators and of the Department Councils will be set forth in special Rules and Regulations approved by the Association’s Board of Directors.

Art. 21 – Teaching Staff

The eventual training courses and other seminar and didactic activities of the Association will be carried out by teachers of proven experience and qualifications, who may be both partners and external collaborators or personnel taken on full time or for specified periods by the Association with private law contract. The hiring modalities, tasks and responsibilities of the teachers will be determined by the Board of Directors.

Art. 22 – Dissolution

The dissolution of the Association must be resolved by the General Meeting with the intervention of at least two thirds of the partners.

The dissolution of the Association, for whatever cause, entails the obligation to devolve the Partnership Property to other non profit organizations of social utility (ONLUS) or to ends of public usefulness, which have similar, analogous or connected aims to those of the Association, having heard the control organ of art. 3, comma 190, of law n. 662 dated December 1996, excepting diverse destination imposed by law.

Art. 23 – Arbitration Clause

Whatever controversy should arise related to the execution or interpretation of the present Statute and which may object of compromise shall be referred to the judgment of a friendly Board of Arbitrators which will judge according to equity and without procedural formalities, giving place to non-regular arbitration. The arbitrators will be chosen by mutual consent by the interested parties, should this not be possible the President of the Court of Law of Rome shall nominate them.

Art. 24 – Legal Recognition

The Association’s Board of Directors sees to requesting from the competent authorities (Ministry of Finance) the enrolment in the proper Registry Office (instituted and managed by the Ministry of Finance) and the recognition of the Association as “ONLUS” (law by decree n. 460/97).

To this end the Board of Directors, in derogation to what is foreseen by art. 14, is authorized to make those modifications to the present Statute that for recognition would be requested by the competent Authorities. Furthermore, the Board of Directors sees to requesting the recognition of the Association “Rina e Franco Bellaterra” also on behalf of the Regione Lazio, as an Association of regional interest, according to the legislation in force.

Art. 25 – Applicable Law

For everything that has not been foreseen by the present Statute reference will be made to the norms topic of entities contained in book I of the Civil Law and, in suborder, to the norms contained in book V of the Civil Law.

The present Association enjoys the fiscal facilities foreseen for the ONLUS by law by decree n. 460 dated December 4, 1997, published on the Gazette n. 1 dated 2 January, 1998.

Signed: Marilia Bellaterra;

Signed: Francesco Codispoti;

Signed: Bruno Codispoti;

Signed: Gedun Tharchin;

Signed: Riccardo Callori di Vignale;

Signed: Evelina Sissy Violini or Evelina Violini;

Signed: Luca Giorni

